He Ahorangi Tūhono i te hōtaka Te Reo Māori at The University of Waikato, Waikato
Mō tēnei tūranga mahi | About this role
He tūranga reo Māori ki
Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao
He Ahorangi Tūhono i te hōtaka Te Reo Māori (Te Tohu Paetahi)
Kei ngā matanga reo o te motu, anei te reo whakahei o Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao, otirā, Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato kia aronui mai koutou ki tēnei tūranga whakaako i tō tātou reo tapu, tūāuriuri, whāioio. He karanga tēnei ki te hunga e pīkoko ana, e ngākaunui ana, e manawawera ana ki te whakaako i tō tātou reo rangatira, ka mutu, te mahi ngātahi, ā rōpū hoki otirā, te nanao i ngā kaupapa reo Māori-tonoa mai.
Ngā tohu/pukenga ka hiahiatia:
Ko ngā tohu matua kua whakawhiwhia kētia e te kaitono, ko ngā pukenga/wheako kei tō kete hoki
Hei Ahorangi Tūhono:
Ki te riro i te tangata tōtika me whai tohu kairangi reo Māori.
Me matatau ki te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori, ka mutu, me whai pūkenga, tohu whakaako, wheakotanga hoki ki te whakaako i tō tātou reo rangatira ahakoa te taumata. Me mōhio pai ki te kukume tauira mā te whakaako i ngā huarahi whakararata, auaha hoki.
Ahakoa kei Kirikiriroa tēnei tūranga me ahei ki te tautoko i te hunga kaiako mai, tauira mai ki tō mātou akoranga ki Tauranga.
I kō atu i ēnā, me mārama pai ki te ao rangahau; te tono pūtea rangahau, te āta whakarite hōtaka rangahau reo Māori anō hoki.
Hei whakakapi, kua arahi i tētahi mahi rangahau, kua mahitahi rānei i tētahi kaupapa rangahau kua eke ki ngā taumata teitei o angitū.
Kāti, me mōhio pai hoki ki te tauawhi, ki te ārahi, ki te tohutohu i te tauira paerua, kairangi hoki.
Te utu:
Ka rite te taumata utu ki tō te matatau o te kaitono ki ana pūkenga, mātauranga, wheako hoki e ai ki te tūnga nei.
Mā te Ahorangi Tūhono: $132,540 ki te $146,190 ia tau.
Tirohia ngā hononga kia pānuitia ngā āhuatanga mahi mō te tūnga Ahorangi Tūhono.
Ko te Tangata - For the People
The University of Waikato prides itself on the quality of its engagement with the communities that it serves, the provision of a world-class education and the national and international impact of its research. Our policies are guided by the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and equal opportunity for all.
E herea ana te Whare Wānanga ki te kaupapa kia whakaratohia te mea angitū ōrite ki ngā tāngata katoa
Whakapā mai ki a Ahorangi Tūhono, Sophie Nock īmēra:sophie.nock@waikato.ac.nz
Rā aukati: Kei te noho tuwhera i tēnei wā (ki Aotearoa)
Ngā taipitopito tūranga mahi | Job details
Employer: | The University of Waikato |
Location: | Waikato |
Position type: | Ongoing - Full Time |
Category: | Education |
Date listed: | 28-Nov-2024 |
Salary range: | |
Closing date: | 31-Mar-2025 |
Reference: | NZ/UWAI05795 |
Attachment: | No File Attached |
File links: | |
Website: | http://www.waikato.ac.nz/ |
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